Picking Great Toothpaste

There is such a thing as good, better, and best what it comes to toothpaste. Obviously, any toothpaste is good for you (except the ones with sugar to sweeten them) and your teeth. But by using the right toothpaste, you can increase your oral health exponentially. Does it really make a difference, you ask, or is this just a ploy... read more »

Take Care of Your Smile Through the Years

Have you been taking care of your smile as you age? If so, great job! Your smile is a significant aspect of your appearance and health, which makes it a top priority to take extra special care of. In fact, your smile can begin to fade in color, and your risk for gum disease can increase over time, which is... read more »

Is Your Dental Filling Starting to Fail?

The development of a cavity may require you to have a dental filling placed to repair the tooth. While dental fillings are designed to be long-lasting and are hardened and cemented to your tooth to stay for several years, they can weaken over time and eventually fail as the dental adhesive and tooth enamel are invaded by the bacteria in... read more »

Avoid Easter Dental Issues by Using Our Tips

Easter is right around the corner, which means so are dental issues. Sadly, some Easter-related things can damage the teeth and gums and cause pain and problems. You don’t want to suffer from these things, do you? Well, our dentists, Dr. Dean F. Robinson and Dr. Scott C. Robinson want you to have a good Easter as well. This is why... read more »

Blaze a New Path to Oral Health Success with Dental Veneers

If you have suffered any minor damage to the surfaces of your teeth or you wish to conceal the fronts of any tooth, visit your dentist to discuss the application of a dental veneer treatment. Dental veneers are tooth restorations designed to not only cosmetically enhance the look a tooth, but also to cover them up and provide protection for... read more »

Tips for Protecting Your Smile During Softball Season

Did you know that if you’re not careful, your smile can be harmed during softball season? Well, it’s true. This is why our dentists, Dr. Dean Robinson and Dr. Scott Robinson, strongly encourage caring for your teeth and gums while you swing the bat, catch softballs and field ground balls. If you do so, you can have a strong and... read more »

Replacing a Cracked Tooth With a Dental Bridge

If you receive a hard blow to your face that results in a cracked tooth, the damage that results from it can be quite severe. For example, a broken tooth or a tooth with a compromised root may require our dentist to fully extract the tooth and replace it with a dental bridge. A dental bridge is a dental appliance... read more »

The Drinks You Choose Can Help or Damage Your Smile

The drinks you enjoy regularly may be either causing harm to your smile or helping to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Do you know which drinks are good for dental health and which ones can cause tooth problems? If not, we invite you to learn more about how popular drinks affect your teeth. Milk offers many benefits for dental... read more »

Welcome to Our New Blog!

Here at Plum Tree Family Dental, we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and area of expertise here on our website through these... read more »