There is such a thing as good, better, and best what it comes to toothpaste. Obviously, any toothpaste is good for you (except the ones with sugar to sweeten them) and your teeth. But by using the right toothpaste, you can increase your oral health exponentially.
Does it really make a difference, you ask, or is this just a ploy to sell more toothpaste? Well, you just have to be aware of what goes into toothpaste, the benefits of different types, and the precise needs of your teeth. Let’s take a moment to go through those points today.
What do you need?
You can get specific instructions on what you need to do to help your oral health when you see a dentists for a regular visit. For example, some people may need to floss more or take better care of their gums.
Dr. Dean Robinson and Dr. Scott Robinson do this with each patient, and their advice will help you immensely in the long run.
How does it help?
Let’s say that you have an issue with too much plaque building up far too quickly in your mouth. In that case, the team here at Plum Tree Family Dental in Provo, Utah will give you recommendations for toothpaste options.
We know that it might seem odd to put this much thought into choosing toothpaste, but we promise that the end result is worth it. If you have questions or want to schedule an appointment, call us today at 801-375-3388.